
Wanted - Another Symbol On Keyboard For Field Names

Modern languages use case sensitive names for variables. So a coder can mash words together with camel casing to make goodVariableNames. But whn working with data and especially in statistics, one can get stuck using goofy old languages with case insensitive names. This leaves only underscores to make less_good_variable_names. This is really cumbersome if you want to use a delimiter to distinguish between special cases of a base name sich as goodVariableName_loacal or goodVariableName_global. All the special characters other than underscore are unavailable for variable names. So we would need to remove a letter from the alphabet to use as a delimiter. I nominate "x". With a couple of notable ekseptions, especially in eksperimental fields, we hardly need "x". So if we have a scheme where qualifiers of a name should specify particular characteristics such as source, namespace, or casting, we can delimit those with an x while words are mashed together with underscore...